Are environmental issues for you and me to solve?

I felt totally inspired and recharged by the majestic mountains' reflection in the calm, turquoise waters. The soft, moving clouds were reflected in this gigantic mirror of alpine cold water.

The purest lake and one of the best-preserved lakes in Europe.

Immersed in these natural surroundings, the mountain tops in the distance and the joyful chirping birds got me thinking of the effects of nature on our fragile human health.

Did you know that since 1973, every year on the 5th of June, we celebrate world environment day?

The setting inspired me to share with you some of my thoughts about the environment and its health impact.

Modern living is about pace, choice, convenience, and ease. Most of us go about our days, commuting to work, eating our meals while multitasking, and charging our phones just automatically.

We have cultivated a sense of entitlement about convenience as if all in life can be ordered via Deliveroo.

Behind our consumption is the fragile natural environment. Our choices of food, transport, and energy, all have a significant impact on our planet’s water, atmosphere, and biodiversity.

While the problem of climate change is multifaceted and complex, each of us can contribute.

The power to care for our precious planet is in our hands. The future starts today!

Many of us are aware of the growing Imperative to be conscious of our energy footprint. But it is easy to get overwhelmed and give up. There is too much to do, however is it too late?

How is this relevant to our health?

Modern living, agriculture, farming, and air pollution due to industrial actions, all have a direct effect on populational and individual health.

Too often, we attribute chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular, auto-immune, and cancer diseases to genetics.

However modern science clearly demonstrates that the expression of our genes is heavily determined by the environmental factors such as the food we, eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe.

Climate change is everyone’s business! The time is now!

If we want our children to have a chance in the future to witness the mesmerizing natural beauty of this lake, the Alpes, our planet, we need to start small and start today!

I have decided to dedicate next week to be mindful of my personal environmental impact.

Would you consider joining me? It is very simple...

As you make your choices about food, heating, or planning a journey, simply stop and ponder about each individual action. Just for a minute, consider how such an ordinary, automatic action can impact the world around you.

Stay present at each moment, and cultivate a deeper awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. As you turn on the tap or lights, pause, and reflect on the impact. We live in a miraculous world. Let’s use each opportunity to admire and protect the fragile world we live in.

Would you like to find out more about the Lantern Clinic? You can book a FREE discovery call with Dr Margarita below.


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