Put the Spring Back in Your Step

By making a few small changes in your day to day lifestyle, you can easily put the spring back in your step.

From spending time outside in nature, practicing the grounding technique of walking barefoot, or completing a daily gratitude diary. 

All of these things will boost your vitality!

Top 5 Tips to Boost your Energy

A good sleep routine

If you have a bad nights sleep, it is inevitable you are going to start your day feeling sluggish and tired. Adults require 6 hours of healthy sleep for restoration physically and mentally.

Clinical studies report that poor sleep is associated with poor choice of high in carbohydrates and sugary foods.

Avoid being over-stimulated at bedtime:

  • Turn off electronic devices at least 60-90 minutes prior to going to bed. 

  • One hour prior to bedtime allow your mind to relax and unwind. A hot bath will support sleep onset. Adding 15 drops of essential lavender oil and 1 cup Epsom salt enhances the relaxant effect.

  • Relax with a calming cup of chamomile tea an hour before bed to support sleep onset.

Go Outside 

Taking just 20 minutes to enjoy nature is all you need to feel alive, whilst out walking you could try a technique called Grounding/Earthing. By walking barefoot it means you are making the electrical connection to the ground.

Next time you go for a walk in the park or by the beach, take off your shoes and enjoy the feeling of nature beneath your feet.

Get at least 30 minutes of exposure to sunlight per day with no sunglasses. Get some bright light exposure soon after awakening and get some natural light exposure during the mid-portion of the day.

Cold Shower

The shock of a cold shower increases your oxygen intake, and increases the circulation around your body. Cold showers leave you feeling revitalised and also give your skin and hair a natural glow. It is a simple technique that can enhance the detoxification pathways in your body.

Next time you have a shower, before getting out of the shower, try to reduce the temperature of the water and see how refreshed you feel after 30 seconds of cold water. By repeating this 2-3 times a week you will soon be able to increase your tolerance time to 60 seconds and you may even find you enjoy the cold blast. 

Reduce Stress

One of the biggest contributing factors to draining your energy is stress. 

Is your workload manageable or are there too many demands on your time? Too much pressure on you can lead to an increase in stress and exhaustion.

By managing your workload and delegating tasks you will be able to focus on activities which are important to you and bring you joy. Take some time to practice meditation or mindfulness, before bed, take 5 minutes to write down the things you have been grateful for during the course of the day.


Laughter really is the best medicine!

Laughter decreases the stress hormone and releases endorphins. These endorphins promote a general sense of well-being and have also been known to relieve pain. 

Would you like to find out more about the Lantern Clinic? You can book a FREE discovery call with Dr Margarita below.


Join my Cleanse & Reset Waitlist

My Cleanse & Reset course will be starting in January, if you are interested in working on your vitality this may be the perfect programme for you. Interested in hearing more? Sign up to the waitlist here!


The Science of Sleep


The Benefit of Natural Remedies